Kodak Gold with Negadoctor

Used Negadoctor to process the following pics. Processed them quite a bit, which seems a bit daft when I could just use a digital camera, but quite like the capturing process occasionally. Any thoughts and critiques, or suggestions on the best way to more easily add contrast, saturation and a bit of sharpness to negative scans? Thanks

P.S. I used sigmoid, which seems a bit odd as it’s trying to emulate film with a film capture but I found it was an easy way to control contrast.


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Oh wow, these are up or even beyond 80 MP scans, I would love to hear about your scanning process and equipment … the metadata says Panasonic G9, which then probably means hi-res mode, but what about lens, illumination, setup?

Hi Chris. I did use hi-res mode but, tbh, I couldn’t see much difference. At times it seemed like the regular RAW file that’s also output with the hi-res shot might be even marginally sharper, though could just be how the file is handled or my imagination. Maybe also my 2.5k screen doesn’t help in seeing any difference. I use the Pany 30mm macro attached to a Nikon ES-2 attachment and step up or down ring and simply shoot out of the window in indirect sunlight on a bright day for full spectrum illumination. There are cheaper Chinese-made knock offs of the Nikon contraption now though I’ve obviously never tried one. Cheers

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Thanks for sharing your process. I like the pub with the pinkish lady most. It’s even possible to recognize the flower pattern on the trousers. Maybe the high resolution makes sense, even for Kodak Gold … :smile:

The castle entrance is also quite nice, but I would have probably cropped out the trash cans (or at least not cut through them.

The tree with the group of people would probably benefit from a little more sharpness or clarity. Of course, it would probably lose some of its analog appeal, but for this one I would probably have preferred a digital rendition.

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That’s useful feedback. Thanks Chris. It’s hard for me to see them with fresh eyes. I’ll give the tree pic another go.

Nice set!

In terms of critique, I think the only real thing I have to say is that to me, some of them have a slight but distinct reddish shadow cast. But it’s a small point.

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Yes, I’ve noticed that in most of my scans. I’ve thought about using colour balance rgb to adjust it but then thought I shouldn’t be colour grading analogue. I suppose if I’m just correcting a failure in the capture, it doesn’t matter. Thanks

I also added a drop of magenta in colour calibration to the first one as the reflected foliage gave the skin tones a bit of a greenish hue that wasn’t very romantic.

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