Kolor has closed

Indeed… that might be next on the list after the new RawTherapee site.

I have tried to reach out the hug in folks to see if they want to make the appimage more “official”, opened a launchpad “white paper” for that, but got no answer so far… maybe you know a better way? The bug tracker does not seem to be appropriate for such topics.

I would try the mailinglist:

@paperdigits @Tobias
I have posted a message on the Hugin mailing list about the AppImage package, in case anyone is interested to follow the discussion there: https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/hugin-ptx/2873f47a-8270-438c-8db3-31ad951497f1%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer

There are simply not enough polite words to describe how pissed off I am with these news.
There were two apps with GUI to stitch panos - Kolor Autopano and Hugin. Now there is only one left dying

I tested the latest features and filed several reports which TModes addressed the same day. A project lives as long as everyone does their part.

I’ve now the panoTools.org login and started a new thread to improve it:
Call for help wiki.panotools.org

OMG, I rely on Autopano Giga for my business every day. It seems if I ever move to a newer camera I’m doomed. And I wanted to move to Canon EOS R as early as next month :’(

Until you find a free software replacement that meets your needs, Autopano works very well with TiFF files as input.

Until you find a free software replacement that meets your needs, Autopano works very well with TiFF files as input.

Did you really mean Autopano?

OMG, I rely on Autopano Giga for my business every day. It seems if I ever move to a newer camera I’m doomed.

Is the Autopano licence bundled to the camera? Never the less I think you should now start to test the alternatives. And please report back what you chose and why.

Did anyone contact them if they would opensource it?


Yes. I own a license to Autopano Pro and I only used it with TIFF files as input. AFAIK Autopano Giga is like Pro but with more features. If there is a special license that ties it to one camera model, I know nothing about that.

Not me, but yes. Have a look at this links:


One would need to contact GoPro support to ask about freeing the source code.

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One would need to contact GoPro support to ask about freeing the source code.

I’m quoting from the first link in my last post:

John Story, Associate General Counsel and head of International Legal at GoPro, said that many months had been spent trying to find a better way forward, including open source, but with no success. “Open sourcing Panotour is not feasible,” he told us.

Nope, but since it’s proprietary there is no way to add support for the new cameras, raw files and new lenses.

I’ve tried Hugin yesterday with 16 jpg images to create a 360*180 panorama for VR purposes.
It failed to autodetect points so hard that it’s not even funny. PtGUI is similar to hugin, gives somewhat better results but not even close to Autopano.

I’ve been doing this for a few years now and my verdict is that there is no software suitable for Panorama stitching at scale at the moment. And I’ll go even further to say that an opensource alternatives will not be up to pair with Autopano for 10 years+.

So in my view, the only way is to:
a) somehow convince GoPro to release the source,
b) raise the funds to buy the software and release it as gpl
c) get a hold of some of the original developers to see if they are up for recreating the tech but in gpl, provided there is a way that they or the new project doesn’t get into a legal trouble.

One could start simply with change.org petition for GoPro to release the source and then gradually increasing the pressure trough emails, forums and social media.

The worst that can happen is, some other company filling the vacuum with another proprietary solution.

Any chance you could share a failing example, so that we can have a look? This might be a good opportunity of putting new efforts into hugin… for smaller panoramas, as far as my experience goes it work perfectly.


sorry for the redacted part. It’s an unreleased head.
So it was shot on 77D and Canon 10-18mm at 10mm.

Hugin failed to properly connect the panorama to the point where it was not worth the time to start manually adding points.
Autopano Giga on the other hand have no problem connecting it perfectly without any other input needed.

Here’s the link:

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Let me know what you get :slight_smile:


I used your images for a test. I:

  • downloaded the images
  • dropped them into hugin
  • hit the allign butten
  • hit the horizon straiten button
  • and then created the panorama
  • converted the panoramas to webp to reduce the size by 2 copared to the tiff files

The result is quite good. There is a small problem in the sky.