After a long time and hard work Krita 5.0, the latest major release, came available: Announcement
This release is among the largest and most significant and there are way to many changes compared to Krita 4 to mention here, see the extensive Krita 5.0 Release Notes.
These sections have noteworthy overhauls, additions and/or changes:
- A brand new Resource System,
- Colours and Gradients,
- Brushes,
- Animation overhaul,
- Storyboarding,
- User Interface Improvements,
- New File Formats with AVIF & WebP,
- New Tools & Improvements,
- Layers Improvements,
- Python Plug-ins Added and Improvements,
- G’MIC, the latest version 3.0, is now integrated,
- …And More!
Links for downloading Krita 5.0 are available right here or here (near the bottom of the page)
Just a heads up for those that want to install and start working with 5.0 right away:
- Krita 5.0 is a major release of Krita. Krita 5.0 cannot load vector layers created before Krita 3.0 and has a completely reworked resource system.
- Krita 5.0 has an updated brush preset file format (.kpp). Krita 4 and earlier cannot use brush presets created in Krita 5.
- Krita 5.0 fixed an issue with text size in documents. However, opening files created with earlier versions of Krita may require changing a setting to get the originally expected text size.
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