This one is really difficult I think. I could not get a good edit with darktable, although usually it is much better for landscape. So I am curious if someone can edit it well with darktable.
Ok. It’s filmic that we need here, everybody agrees on that it seems. I have also been trying… more or less the whole day… turns out the sidecar file was broken and something strange happened when I combined filmic and local contrast because I had edited it some months ago with dt 2.6.
This edit is really difficult because of the rocky mountain that is very bright and needs to be darkened or excluded without halos. I opted for excluding it with a parametric mask from filmic.
But the results of RT and darktable are in about equivalent I think. Btw, filmic is called dynamic range compression in RT I think.
The colour look is a simple colour adjustment layer (Colour Balance in darktable) with a warm yellow cast on the highlights (increase red and reduce blue on slope) and a blue cast on the mid tones (increase red and reduce blue power).
The rest is a shadows/highlights adjustment to tame the dynamic range and a curve to adjust contrast to taste. I also boosted the saturation of the mid-tones using a colour adjustment layer with a luminance mask.
@pk5dark, nice. Any chance you can manage a less bright mountain that shows more detail? I haven’t tried darktable 3 and the tone equalizer yet and am looking forward to doing so!
I’d like to check the sidecar but laying in bed with my phone. Shoud finally sleep. So tomorrow. But thanks for participating. I like your results somehow similar to mine aren’t they?
Thank you for the amazingly challenging photograph. Quite beautiful as well. This one really made me put the filmic videos to the test. Along with some color balance and a few other things I enjoy using.