latest GIMP 2.99.xx from flatpak-beta


excuse me please if my question will look like a rant:

I am trying to use a GIMP from flatpak (current version is 2.99.18 from flathub-beta)

GNU Image Manipulation Program                  org.gimp.GIMP                                  2.99.18           beta                  flathub-beta           user
HEIC                                            org.gimp.GIMP.HEIC                                               beta                  flathub-beta           user
G'MIC                                           org.gimp.GIMP.Plugin.GMic                      3.3.3             3                     flathub-beta           user

it installs, it starts … but if you try to use that seriously it has so many issues …

My question is - is 2.99.18 from flatpak-beta supposed for to be used seriously (ofc with possible issues since it is devel version) or is it intended for a community for testing and development and in general unfit for work ?

I don’t want to bother you with huge list of issues I’ve ran into …

I am asking because perhaps my flatpak is broken or something … I just cannot believe that GIMP is really in “THAT” shape … On the surface it looks fine - you can make some youtube review videos about that, about new features and it will look fine - but if you will dive under the surface you will find a lot of problems …

thanks for your input …

cheers, ~dan

ps. please don’t take it THAT seriously … I love GIMP and opensource and I am with that for 20 years …

  1. 2.99.18 is a few months old already
  2. you should be sure that the problems you encounter are gimp 3 specific and not a flatpak issue before ranting.
  3. yes many plugins need to be updated to work again with gimp 3. this is known for like years now. it is up to the plugin authors how serious they take preparing for the release.

for opensuse I now have snapshot rpms for gimp 3

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Hi Darix …

cool … I am suse user :slight_smile: … Please point me to your OBS repo … I use leap 15.6

cheers, ~dan

only Tumbleweed atm due to needed dependencies.

If you want to help testing on openSUSE:

zypper ar obs://graphics:gimp:master obs-graphics:gimp:master
zypper dup --from obs-graphics:gimp:master

It’s called beta or developer version for a reason. I simply is not ready and still has bugs.

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