Lens correction for Olympus 12-100 F/4 Pro

At 12mm and F/4.0, vignetting is pretty noticeable with that lens:

Applying lens correction module doesn’t completely correct that vignetting:

Is that normal? I ask because really I don’t know what to expect.

Are you using a lensfun profile or the new built in correction? Its possible that the lensfun profile is not quality or your particular lens doesn’t align well with it.

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I use the lens correction module. I don’t know the other options you mention.

Try lensfun-update-data command in terminal and restart darktable, this lens is covered in Lensfun's coverage so I assume that is corrected right. Another option is to apply exposure compensation with ellipse mask. Also you should choose right f-number in lens correction module.

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In dt4.2, there’s two options in the lens correction module. The traditional option uses the lensfun database to provide the parameters for the correction, the new option pulls the data from the image metadata (I never knew it was in there…). The two can give different results - not entirely sure why.
Funny thing is, on all the images I just tried, the option is greyed out… yet I saw the new mode working recently… I must check which camera/lenses I have work with the new option.
Ah. It seems all my cameras are… too old? The image where I had the new option was a Play Raw taken on a Sony ILCE-6500.

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Two different things. Lensfun measures a lens after the fact. The in file stuff is from the manufacturer.


The new mode does not work for all manufacturers embedding such data in their files yet. For Olympus the support is still work in progress

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“0x0801 appears to be the vignetting correction. It looks like a spline, always starts around 8192 and increases monotonically.
I have a Panasonic lens which doesn’t get any vignetting correction by the camera body and has an almost null 0x0801 tag - it is always 8192, 8193, 8194, … , 8207, 8208.”

That seems like Canon. I recognize the numbers Manufacturer lens correction module for Darktable - #75 by Peter
Canon Lens Correction data - Google Tabellen