Let's improve grain

Few years ago I developed some code to simulate film grain, using an approach that is probably similar (but independent) to the one pointed out by Francisco @cribari: given a source image, the code generates a “grainy” version by literally adding one grain at a time, such that the average grayscale value is preserved locally.

I have not worked on this project since quite a while, and unfortunately the code is not yet in a shape that allows to make it public, but I might revise it is there is some interest (although it is REALLY slow on large images).

Nevertheless, I would really be curious to see how it compares with the other samples and methods that have been discussed above. So I put here some samples cropped from initial 6000x4000px images uniformly filles with solid gray:

50% gray, large grains:

50% gray, medium grains:

50% gray, small grains:

10% gray, large grains:

90% gray, large grains:

I can provide the hi-res un-compresses TIFF files if needed…

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