LGM Saarbrücken, parking

For the ones who come to LGM by car, it is good to know that parking your car in Saarbrücken can be very expensive (up to 15 € per day or so, better to get some food and drinks for this money;-). But there are also streets where you can park your car for free (even for a week) in about 10-25 minutes walking distance to most of the locations.

In case you go by car to LGM feel free to ask me. I can’t promise to tell you a free parking location, which is close enough for a walk to your accomodation, but at least I can try (being a resident of Saarbrücken)


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Oh man that isn’t that bad says the guy who lives in Los Angeles :wink:


Well, Saarbücken is a small town (~200000) , but they sold (big mistake) the parking license to a dutch company for 50 years or so…

This has helped me more than once: