Line Spam Filter

It’s a mistranslation… It should be " hams in line".

Well, I wish i could help but I don’t use much filters myself and yours look kind of hard to grasp. I don’t really understand the code either :stuck_out_tongue:
It seems crashing my laptop has become my daily routine…

Reminds me i have to write descriptions for my own stuff …

That’s a lot of fun with it, thank you! It’s now in my Favs! :clap: :hugs:


Not a bug, but asking for an option (if possible), like a “Check Box”, to keep the layer “background” if we want to apply in G’MIC and immediately use another filter.
Because actually we cannot as it makes the layer fully transparent before doing the jambons lines

My layer was white, but became transparent, thus I need to go back to GIMP, make a white layer merge it, then open G’MIC again.

If it keeps the original layer, after jambonizing the lines :grin:
I could just “Apply” and directely go to another filter and keep my "background color/draw.


Hi, yes i will try to add this. But note that this will probably break your Favs, so if you want to keep certain settings, copy/ paste them somewhere before updating.

And now I need to listen to Black Sabbath’s Dejambonizer…!

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Sent a pull request with the modifications.

Hi, even though everything seem to work fine I get this warning in my log file :
[gmic_gimp_qt]./warning/ Parameters/SetVisibilities: Wrong number of values 0 (expecting 19)
Not sure what’s wrong there…

Does it still happen when you close/relaunch GIMP ?

Yes it still happens. I thought it was my script but it happens with the few others I’ve tried.
I’m using 3.2.6_pre#230619, so i will upgrade and see if it still happens.

Doesn’t seem to break anything though.

Thanks. It does happen with latest development version.
This looks like a small bug. I’ve reported it to the G’MIC-Qt developer.

This was a minor “bug”. Fixed with :Fix visibilities when filter returns no information in its status · c-koi/gmic-qt@19d3c61 · GitHub

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Greetings @prawnsushi et al.
With string art, you dance very close to the edge of a topic into which I have fallen many times — much to my delight. See, for example, Post #787 in Reptorian G’MIC Filters.
This “string art” formulation lies at the heart of De Castlejau’s Algorithm and its generalization, deBoor’s Algorithm. Through these absolutely simple straight-line strings, one recursively “boots up” to more complex curves, for the edge formed by these crisscrossing “first degree” linear curves (the lines) scribe a “second degree” curve. Keep an eye out for The Geometry Toolbox by Gerald Farin and Dianne Hansford. It’s been out for awhile and the 1st edition probably could be had from a second hand book store for $10-15 USD. I can’t think of a better introduction to drawing lines, curves and surfaces through parametric (u, v, w… and their ilk) equations. Have fun.

Hello @grosgood !
I wish i could follow you there, but I don’t understand any of these algorithms, even though i understand your explanation…
You can also borrow the Geometry Toolbox from, even though I think I should start here :sweat_smile:
All I know is trial and error (and error and error and error)…
Anyway, always a pleasure to read your posts :slight_smile: