For brave souls that want to replicate my workflow, here’s how I have managed to bake LUTs to make them work with ‘unbreak’ log in Darktable using the Fusion page in DaVinci Resolve.
In theory any display/film emulation/tonemapping LUT could be converted to work in Darktable this way.
This is extremely clunky and hopefully a better workflow could be achieved in the future with a few extra features in Darktable.
In Darktable:
- Make sure to work in a linear workflow (i.e. Input Color Profile → Working Profile → linear rec 2020)
- Develop your image as usual
- DO NOT include ‘filmic’ or ‘sigmoid’ modules (our 3D LUT is going to do the tonemapping for us)
- The last 3 steps of your stack should be:
- Unbreak input profile
Middle gray = 18%
Black relative exposure: -8 EV
Dynamic range: 16 EV
- LUT 3D
Application colorspace: linear rec2020
Load the .cube file exported from Resolve/Fusion here.
- Output color profile
Export profile: sRGB
In Davinci Resolve/Fusion, see this screenshot:
The key is to use the LUTCubeCreator/LUTCubeAnalyzer nodes to ‘bake’ our LUT to a cube file that Darktable can use.
I use the Fusion page instead of the Color page because I need the CineonLog node to convert our weirdo ‘unbreak’-log to linear. This is required to have a standard starting point that we can convert to whatever our film emulation LUT expects.
For a 16 EV ‘unbreak’ log (-8/+8EV centered on 18% mid gray) the following values are required in CineonLog:
Black: 0
White: 670
Soft clip: 0
Film Stock Gamma: 0.42
Conversion gamma: 1.0
I’ve been able to use a LUT designed for Sony sLog3/sGamut3.cine in Darktable this way.
I was also able to use the ACES sRGB display LUT in DT too. This opens great workflow options between DT and Blender/Nuke/Krita/Fusion etc… You can preview your image in DT with the ACES display transform and export non-tonemapped EXR linear/rec2020 files for use in other ACES aware software.
(Linear/AP1 (aka ACEScg) export is also possible by using Elle Stone’s ICC profiles)
Again, this is clunky because you have to remember to disable ‘unbreak’ and ‘LUT3D’ before exporting your EXR files.
Both ACES sRGB display and the sLog3 LUT behave as expected in Darktable once you’ve jumped through all the hoops in Resolve.
I understand that full OCIO/ACES integration might be overkill for casual photographers, but hopefully the benefit of using ‘video’ LUTs in DT might be able to convince developers that adding better ‘shaper’ LUT support in DT is worth their time.
If anyone has figured a more streamlined way to achieve similar results, please share! I think custom ICC profiles might achieve similar results, but I don’t know how to create ICC profiles that describe a ‘known’ log profile.
Thanks to @priort for pointing me to the ‘unbreak profile’ module… this is the key that unlocks this workflow.