I ran DT on Mac Monterey but had so many probs that I deleted, even the dmg and then I realised that old Mac versions are not available anymore which is a shame. I found a guy who had a version for old macs but that version after a few weeks stopped working. I’ve contacted few members here on the forum and their solutions worked for a while but then it’s not even export files anymore so that’s it. I can’t rely on it anymore. I love DT but it seems that I need to switch to Linux on Mac to be able to run it as it seems I won’t get anywhere on MacOs alone. I’m just tired of it’s unreliability. Any of you runs Linux alongside MacOs so can help me how not to mess up and be able to use DT again?
There’s always a risk to dual booting so back up first. There’s less of a risk if you’ve got a separate drive for each OS, if not shrinking a drive works most of the time but there’s no guarantees.
You need the Refind boot loader to dual boot on a Mac so that’s the best place to start. It’s been a while since I’ve done one with a Mac and you forget things but I can point you in the right direction. There’s plenty of guides around and it’s not that hard to do.
Okay, thanks! Yes, I usually ask here and there so I’ve more routes to start and draw infos. I don’t know, maybe I completely get rid of MacOs as I never liked neither Windows nor Mac.