Live Stacking and .tmp


When I take an image in live stacking, it will download from my camera to the working directory that I setup in Siril—working as intended. However, before it finishes the transfer from camera to the directory, it creates a .tmp of the file until the transfer is complete when it will then show up as the .CR2 file. When this happens, the console outputs, “File not supported for live stacking: XXXXXX.tmp”, which is correct… but, it will not pick up on the completed .CR2 transfer and stack the image when ready.

I’m looking for answers on how to remedy this problem. Appreciate any information you’re able to provide.

Just a quick update. I imagine this is application related as the creation of .tmp files are intrinsic to almost everything Windows. I created a workaround by making a batch file that automatically moves .CR2 files from one folder (camera folder) to a second folder (working directory). In this way, no .tmp files will make their way into the working directory. Confirmed the stack now works appropriately.

move /y “C:\camerafolder\ *.CR2” “C:\workingdirectory”
timeout 10
goto move

thanks for the report. Live stacking is not one of our priority developments, we know it’s flawed, maybe in the future it will improve, at least we have one more element to improve it.

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