Local Contrast doc in RawPedia

It was there once. Where did it go?

You will find a little here:

And a little more here

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

The new ‘Local contrast’ tool isn’t documented in rawpedia afaik.
Currently we lack a lot of documentation in rawpedia because 1) we made a lot of new tools and 2) we don’t manage to document them… I’m also guilty, as I coded pixelshift and didn’t document it… (same for new contrast threshold adjusters and dual-demosaic). Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Actually I’m talking about the “old” Local Contrast. It used to be under Highlights/Shadows, now it’s in its own sub-tab of Detail. It was documented once, I am not mad :grinning:

The ‘in it’s own sub-tab local contrast’ is a new tool. Nothing common with the old one in ‘Highlights/Shadwows’

… which has also changed. :grin: