Lua Script Manager missing?

Lua Script Manager is also missing from the Darktable flatpak.

Did you have the lua-scripts installed before?

Oh, i got it! The script manager only appears when the language is set to “english”. It does not appear in the german surface.

No, one couldn’t even get it to work on Flatpak b/c it runs in their own environment and don’t have access to a lua interpreter
But it is my understanding that the Darktable 3.2.1 ships with the Lua Script Manager?
So I would assume that the Darktable Flatpak maintainer would ship a copy of lua bundled in the package or allow the package to link the interpreter from the operating system.

As of yet, I can’t see it bundled nor install it myself.

You probably need to open an issue on the flatpak.

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You’re right:

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I have the Symlink to your the script_manager.lua. There are no error messages anymore.

@KristijanZic I think you are thinking of the lua scripts installer, which is there but it has a bug and will not run.

darktable can be compiled to use the included internal version of lua, so it doesn’t require an external interpreter. However, in order to actually install the scripts, git is required so the flatpak packager would need to package it too.

I suppose you’re right. I was referring to the GUI of the script manager (idk much beyond that).
So you are saying that the manager uses git to fetch scripts but the lua is already present in the Flatpak? (I’m assuming he compiled it that way because it seems logical (to me at least)).

I would like to push this forward but my knowledge about Flatpak and Lua is little to none so if you would be so kind as to maybe structure a bit better bug report to the Darktable Flatpak GitHub repo.
I think that might be very helpful to the developer as I just opened one saying that the script manager/installer is missing (in the gui) which is not very helpful :confused:

Yes, lua is present in the flatpak, I put it there :wink:

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Where does the flatpak create the darktable directory containing the database files and configuration files?

Under ~/var/app… Not at a computer, but the path is quite long.

Let’s enable multilingual support to the script manager, first.
It should be easy to change the English only variable to another language. Adding Localization is not the biggest issue for myself at least.

Anyway, bank to the problem, I can’t see any new entry in preferences to activate the script manager, with or without luarc in:
And having English or German set as interface language

The script manager didn’t load after installing 3.2.1, I got just the dialog to refresh my database.

Fundamental question, why is the script manager not added by default to the list of modules?

Is there some line to edit in darktablerc to get the script manager working?

I’m on MacOS

So it should be possible for me to clone the scripts manually and they should work in the darktable flatpak?

I set my DT interface from German to English, re-installed your Lua scripts from git, deleted all the content of luarc and added only
require "tools/script_manager"
and got it working.

Still, now I’m looking for the right variable to change “English” to “German” but can’t find it in script manager nor the libs it calls.

Where is the file to correct, please?

I changed the name request in line 767 of script_manger.lua from “lighttable” to “Leuchttisch” and now it works:

if dt.gui.current_view().name == "Leuchttisch" then

This attribut “name” seems to depend on the Language Environment.

@Karsten, please try the following for me and let me know what happens. Change current_view().name to current_view().id and the string back to lighttable and let me know if that works. I’m hoping name is translated and id is not.


It works well!!! Even in german and in french!

if dt.gui.current_view().id == "lighttable" then
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Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-08-16 18-33-33

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I believe so, let me give it a go shortly.