With reference to HIRAM’s explanation on Morgin:
When I open the RAW file, from MLC,
Download the raw file here (Google Drive, 9MB)
This file is licensed
(Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike ).
in LHDR, it looks like this:
Since I am just beginning to learn LHDR, I don’t know if this is normal. The starting settings in LHDR were:
But if I understand correctly, those settings are for what the image is going to be changed by when I click on Update Preview. So I expect to see the image as it would look if I opened the RAW in dt and didn’t use the JPEG adjustments.
So my first issue is why doesn’t the preview look like the unedited image?
I used the information with otherwise standard settings to create TIFFs for Mantiuk06. From the file name, the settings were pregamma_1_mantiuk06_contrast_mapping_0.1_saturation_factor_0.8_detail_factor_1. This is what it looked like:
Fattal, pregamma_1_fattal_alpha_1_beta_1_saturation_1_noiseredux_0_fftsolver_1:
and ashikhmin, pregamma_1_ashikhmin_eqn 4_-simple:
When I opened the ashikhmin in GIMP, however, it looked like this:
If you want to see how it looks on your machine:
Untitled_pregamma_1_ashikhmin_eqn 4_-simple.tif (17.8 MB)
This file is licensed
(Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-Alike ).
The lightness of that image was the most extreme, but the other two were also lighter when opened in GIMP, or for that matter, dt and RT.
Here’s what the fattal looked like in LHDR. Compare to the above image, which was made of the image when opened in GIMP:
I’d appreciate any help in understanding what is going on.