I’m not having much luck registering and stacking a set of 4 lunar FITS images that frame only a portion of the first quarter Moon (a quarter degree field centered on the disk’s center), so the full disk isn’t visible.
I tried both lunar and planetary registration methods, Image Pattern Alignment (planetary - full disk) and Enhanced Correlation Coefficient (planetary - surfaces), but the stack ends up off like this:
Any suggestions for options or processes that can help Siril register the images automatically? I may try manual registration but I’m not sure I understand how it works.
I’m using Siril 0.99.10 on Crostini Linux and Chrome OS Stable 91.0.4472.114. Here’s the console log:
15:50:30: Welcome to siril v0.99.10
15:50:31: Supported file types: BMP images, PIC images (IRIS), PGM and PPM binary images, RAW images, FITS-CFA images, Films, SER sequences, TIFF images, JPG images, PNG images, HEIF images.
15:50:31: Loading init file: '/home/paoloamoroso/.config/siril/siril.config'
15:50:31: Parallel processing enabled: Using 8 logical processors.
15:50:31: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to '/home/paoloamoroso/moon/moon20210617canary4'
15:50:31: Loading registration method: One Star Registration (deep-sky)
15:50:31: Loading registration method: Two or Three Stars Registration (deep-sky)
15:50:31: Loading registration method: Global Star Alignment (deep-sky)
15:50:31: Loading registration method: Image Pattern Alignment (planetary - full disk)
15:50:31: Loading registration method: Enhanced Correlation Coefficient (planetary - surfaces)
15:50:31: Loading registration method: Comet/Asteroid Registration
15:50:31: Default FITS extension is set to .fit
15:50:59: Conversion: processing 4 files...
15:50:59: Conversion succeeded, 4 file(s) created for 4 input file(s) (4 image(s) converted, 0 failed)
15:50:59: Reading FITS: file firstquartermoon_20210617_00001.fit, 1 layer(s), 3358x2536 pixels
15:50:59: Sequence loaded: firstquartermoon_20210617_ (1->4)
15:50:59: Execution time: 188.09 ms.
15:51:33: Registration: processing using method: Enhanced Correlation Coefficient (planetary - surfaces)
15:51:33: Reading FITS: file firstquartermoon_20210617_00001.fit, 1 layer(s), 3358x2536 pixels
15:51:33: Reading FITS: file firstquartermoon_20210617_00001.fit, 1 layer(s), 3358x2536 pixels
15:51:33: Registration finished.
15:51:33: Best frame: #1.
15:52:06: Stacking will use registration data of layer 0 if some exist.
15:52:06: Stacking: processing...
15:52:06: Processing all images in the sequence (4)
15:52:06: Stacking result will be stored as a 32-bit image
15:52:06: Computing normalization...
15:52:06: With the current memory and thread (8) limits, up to 8 thread(s) can be used for sequence normalization
15:52:06: Reading FITS: file firstquartermoon_20210617_00001.fit, 1 layer(s), 3358x2536 pixels
15:52:06: Reading FITS: file firstquartermoon_20210617_00004.fit, 1 layer(s), 3358x2536 pixels
15:52:06: Reading FITS: file firstquartermoon_20210617_00002.fit, 1 layer(s), 3358x2536 pixels
15:52:06: Reading FITS: file firstquartermoon_20210617_00003.fit, 1 layer(s), 3358x2536 pixels
15:52:06: Using 13083 MB memory maximum for stacking
15:52:06: We have 8 parallel blocks of size 317 (+0) for stacking.
15:52:06: Starting stacking...
15:52:06: Median stacking complete. 4 images have been stacked.
15:52:06: Integration of 4 images:
15:52:06: Pixel combination ......... median
15:52:06: Normalization ............. additive + scaling
15:52:06: Pixel rejection ........... none
15:52:06: Rejection parameters ...... none
15:52:06: Background noise value (channel: #0): 42.449 (6.477e-04)
15:52:06: Saving FITS: file firstquartermoon_20210617_stacked.fit, 1 layer(s), 3358x2536 pixels
15:52:07: Execution time: 911.14 ms.