Lut-3D vs Color Look up Table

The older module ‘color look up table’ appears to have been specifically developed for users with Fujifilm cameras in that the presets follow that makers standard setups … but does the newer Lut 3D actually do anything differently and could the presets from the older module be transferred to the newcomer?

No, it’s just that we had access to the Fuji JPG film emulations, so we included them as presets for any user willing to get them for his camera.

Lut3D does exactly the same things, but instead of using a Lab colour matching, it uses an RGB one that is compatible with Cube3D LUT (from video editors - very good Kodak films emulations available there) and HaldClut files (from the opensource world - mixed quality stuff there, be careful), so darktable becomes compatible with any LUT file available on the market.

The colour look-up table still stays compatible only with the LUTs produced with the in-house colour checker tool.

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Morning, David,

I may very well have misunderstood your question
as well as the intended use for those two darktable
modules (color look up table versus lut 3D), but here
is how I interpret them:

lut 3D accepts file types cube and png. They are pre-set, fixed
color transformations. A myriad of luts are freely available on the Web.
Some are good, others are not. You want your image to look like it has been
shot on Kodachrome 64? Then the lut 3D module is the one to use.

The color look up table module, on the other hand, “only” contains seven presets,
but it allows you to interact with colors/nuances/hues. For instance, using
this module you can easily make the foilage behind the petals darker,
to create more emphasis on the flower itself.

And so on.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

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Lots of freely downloadable lut material but mainly I am finding special effects rather than standard film corrections. Can somebody suggest a site with some good initial items … please