Mac Dev Build Wavelets FIXED

This build for Mac seems to have fixed the problem with Wavelets luminance sliders, and the Chroma module!

Big thanks to jdc and Hiram/Lawrence37

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Thanks Andy for the feedback.
The bug was due to a (small) oversight on my part. But you know I’m used to silly things. :wink:


On installation it crashes on zooming beyond 100%, but changing performance>threads from 0 (auto) to 2 seems to fix it.

Has someone played around with Capture Sharpening, as it seems a bit aggressive in conjunction with Wavelets Contrast; a lot more than it used to be. But that could just be me being very ‘picky’!

Hi @Andy_Astbury1 , yes, also for my taste the auto-settings of capture sharpening are a bit too strong. I usually first set auto, then raise threshold and lower radius a bit. this works for me.

@Andy_Astbury1 I have generated a build in my shared folder of the latest dev, please have a test if you get a chance. Thanks!

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Hi Richard, many thanks for that.

It seems 100% stable on Sonoma 14.4 and 14.5, with no rapid magnification crashes with NR and Wavelet thread count at 0/Auto.

Nice to see the Global option under the “new” Selective Editing tab.

Again, many thanks for your work, it’s much appreciated.