mac os - how can i open external drive?

how can i open external drive?

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Have you granted the proper disk permissions to RawTherapee?


Should we try to make a faq about mac os related RT issues and their solutions?

@Pandagrapher @Andy_Astbury1 @HIRAM


is pinned to RT


Yes but i do not want do this :sudo spctl --reset-default

Try this (from Clearing the quarantine extended attribute from downloaded applications | Der Flounder):

  1. Open Terminal

  2. Run the following command:

xattr /path/to/

If the attribute is associated with the application, you should see the following output:

computername:Applications username$ xattr /path/to/ username$

Note: Other attributes may also be listed, with being a common one.

To remove the quarantine attribute, you would then run the following command:

sudo xattr -r -d /path/to/

That will recursively remove the attribute from the application. The -r option will allow the quarantine attribute of all files inside the application to be selected, while the -d option causes the given attribute name (and associated value) to be removed.


not work

This didn’t work for me either.

@TedT did you read the FAQ? RawTherapee macOS Catalina FAQs - #2

Running Big Sur 11.2.1. Cannot access an external drive even with the above suggestions regarding xattr and rebooting after. Hence, this app is basically useless to me because that’s where I keep all my photos. And it doesn’t make sense to me to have to copy a photo to a local drive just to edit it.

Have you looked under /Volumes/<your disk name> in the RawTherapee file browser?

Yes, that’s how I know it is not being connected. It shows no subfolders in that drive to select from, and there are thousands of photos in several subfolders.

You given RawTherapee permission to access the disk in the system settings?

Which version? There are no release version that support Big Sur yet…

I am using Big Sur on an M1 Mini. So since there isn’t a version out for that version, I just play the waiting game.