Mac RT advanced feature test metadata-exiv2

I am not a Photoshop owner so I have no way of trying this… what about something free? Does that also not work? Why are you calling an app by its bundle identifier? Try the app name open -a photoshop

Could you explain what this means? Which arrow, which pallet, what function are you expecting, screenshots? realized you are talking about the externam editor launcher. How have you set that up?

I’m the one who broke it and it’s also irritating me. This must be the 3rd or 4th time I’m revisiting the issue.

This is a good clue. I have a idea of what to try next.

@Andy_Astbury1 @jhmnieuwenhuis For the best hints on what the problem could be, please enable verbose mode*, start RawTherapee from the terminal, try invoking the external editor (make sure the native command option is selected!), and post the output shown in the terminal.

* To enable verbose mode, edit the “options” file with a text editor. Find the line that says “Verbose=…” and change it so it says “Verbose=true”.

** (rawtherapee:57282): **CRITICAL** **: 20:34:16.362:
unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
domain: g-io-error-quark
code : 15
what : Creating an app info from a command line not currently supported

This is with verbose turned on, just trying to edit with open -a photos.

I set Verbose to true and i get the same output as You have .
I tried it with open -a photos and open -b “com.adobe.Photoshop”
Setting native command on or off does not matter same message.

B.T.W. what does native command option do ?

** (rawtherapee:1444): CRITICAL **: 07:10:56.738:
unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
domain: g-io-error-quark
code : 15
what : Creating an app info from a command line not currently supported

open -b “com.adobe.Photoshop” was the command that always worked.

Hope this will finally fix the problem: Fix external editor on macOS by Lawrence37 · Pull Request #6809 · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub

@jhmnieuwenhuis Native command attempts to launch the external editor using methods specific to the operating system instead of using the platform-agnostic Gnome utilities. It’s what was used in 5.9 and older versions which is why native command should be checked.

How do I download the new version ?
So I can test it.

Maybe you can test with chrome > open -a “/Applications/Google Chrome”
Works from the command line.

If it works then great but using the bundle id to open an app is not a sure thing.

Basically, it won’t work for all users all the time, therefor I continue to recommend against using the bundle id to open apps, and I recommend not recommending that other people start using the bundle id. Only use the name open -a photoshop

@Lawrence37 with your patch, the error message is gone, but no lauch. Clicking the external editor button and pressing ctrl-e both only raise the empty and non-fillable Select Application window.



In verbose mode there was no output to the terminal.

How did you download it?
Or did you build a version from github source?

Yes I am building and packaging RawTherapee from github sources.
When I have a successful build ready for test, I update my icloud drive with it.
You can find the latest build here:
Again, thank you for taking the time to help with testing!

Anytime, love to help.
You are also putting a lot of time into this.
Thanks !!

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I did some testing.
Seems to work fine now.
I used : open -a “/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2023/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop 2023”
This opens a specific version of photoshop with the current image.
If i use : open -b “com.adobe.Photoshop” the beta version of photoshop is beeing opened with the image.

The native checkbox is gone

I will test some more…

The bundle name ( com.adobe.photoshop ) is the same for the normal photoshop version and the beta version. So using the open -b “com.adobe.photoshop” will open one of the photoshop versions.
Not predictable which one.

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I now use 2 entries in the external editor setting

Ps open -a “Adobe Photoshop 2023”
PsB open -a “Adobe Photoshop (Beta)”

So now i can choose which version to open

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The settings from the buggy version is interfering. Click on the arrow next to the external editor button and select the editor. Now try again.

Works fine now !

One thing I notice with the latest release.
There is no options file after installation.
There should be a directory : ~/Library/Application Support/RawTherapee
But the directory does not exist.

It is a sandboxed bundle, so everything is contained here:
~/Library/Containers/RawTherapee/data/Library/Application\ Support

In ~/Library/Containers I only see directories no RawTherapee.