Manual Registration Query

When performing a manual registration I am assuming (probably wrongly) that I use ‘Apply Existing Registration’. So if I align some images and hit ‘Go Register’ I get this error:

15:50:37: Registration: processing using method: Apply Existing Registration
15:50:37: The reference image has a null matrix and was not previously aligned, choose another one, aborting

If I deselect the reference everything is fine except I really wanted the reference as part of the new sequence. Is this intended behavior?

I know I can achieve this by manually adding a copy of the reference to the sequence but was wondering if I am seeing this wrong. I am aligning individual fits files of the eclipse.

Many Thanks


Nope. This is not how it should work. Manual registration only compute shifts, no transformation matrix.
So once you’ve done it manually, you just have to stack your sequence.

I see, that’s what I thought but what I am actually doing is to demonstrate how to create an animation of the eclipse with Siril and Davinci Resolve so I was working on a way of registering fits frames without stacking but creating a sequence that I could then apply consistent stretches to etc. I have managed to achieve this with Siril using a custom workflow and it works pretty well, I can’t see another way of doing it offhand?

Apologies for abusing your excellent work, I ran my own software company for twenty years before I sold up and retired, end users can be such a pain!

Once you’ve done manual registration you can export to a new sequence in the sequence tab.
You can even chose the file format.

Brilliant! don’t know how I missed that, very helpful. Many Thanks