Masking Problem

DSCF3964.RAF (56.1 MB)
DSCF3964.RAF.xmp (12.6 KB)
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I am having some problems getting a satisfactory mask for this image. I want to progressively lighten the sky from the top so as to provide a greater contrast with the burnt trees. For some reason the mask that I have tried to use is bleeding off into the tree branches.

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Rawtherapee 5.8 + Gimp 2.10.30


DSCF3964.RAF.xmp (31.4 KB)

Unfortunately it didn’t solve the problem. I was looking for a dt mask solution to lighten ( from the top and progressively) the sky. Your darkened sky made matters worse!

Some of your issue is the shadows and highlights… if you are going to keep it then use bilateral… you have halo’s from it… THen just use exposure set a fairly wide feather and drag the top of the feather to the top of your image…you should get a nice fall off from 100% now you can adjust the actual mask parameters ie the feathering and details threshold maybe even to keep it a bit off the trees if that is what you want… Was there any mask in your xmp… I might have missed it…

I did this…

Taking it from your edit here…

to here…

but it could be graded tonally pretty much how you like… THis was just exposure shown in the screen shot so you could adjust that or opacity… and I changed your shadows and highlights to bilateral…

My quick edit was this one…

DSCF3964.RAF.xmp (13.5 KB)

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Thanks for sharing this file. My try.

DSCF3964.RAF.xmp (12.9 KB)

instead of using the exposure module, I used the color balance rgb module with a mask in the Cz channel and a gradient path to control the influence of the mask.

The mask is not fully refined and I did not make any further adjustments, this is a good starting point for more precise editing.

Greetings from Havana, Cuba.


My version…

DSCF3964_03.RAF.xmp (17.4 KB)

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Thanks for the fresh views on masking. I was having problems in cutting the fine details of the trees away from the sky but things look better after your ideas.

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For this image even using exposure with a sort of luminance mask does a nice balanced effect… Best in scene referred blending…take the top slider in the J channel to the left initially and raise exposure …

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My fun in ART and GIMP

plus HDR

Thanks for posting
darktable 4.2.1

DSCF3964_01.RAF.xmp (11.8 KB)

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So, I did finally achieve the results that I was initially looking for. Trees with a solid black and a contrasting pale sky. But something interesting happened along the way.
I got the best results from simply using the hue adjustment … this gave me the very best cutout between the trees and the sky except that some parts of the trees still had mask overlay. When I checked those portions I found that in RGB they were all 0, 0, 0 values … so I needed to kill the top end of the L slider to clear them out … very strange.
Thanks for all the interesting (and helpful) responses.

Did you try using the details slider… that’s the best tool for branches etc…

Whilst it doesn’t answer your original query, I was tempted to play with this beautiful image in GIMP.
I used my luminosity mask plug-in to lighten the sky, its reflection and the opposite hills. I also tried to get some detail in the silvery- black tree trunks.

Not what you asked for but thanks for the chance to play.