Lovely capture. I used two instances of the retouch module in DT to first clone out the flower on the right and then heal the cloning to get a nice repair. I also restricted sharpening to the details of the flower and butterfly to avoid bringing out noise in the background. This was achieved using the details slider in the masking option. I have shown what the mask looks like when you do this. I also used the color equalizer module to enhance the saturation and exposure for the purple flowers.
Used DAP (Dynamic Auto Painter) and a customer preset I created. Would link, but recall getting in trouble for sharing a commercial site link. Haven’t upgraded to version 8 yet (have 7). Usually, now update every other version it at all. Not getting cheap (started out at, as I recall, around $30 to $35 and last version was near $90). lol
As a side note, you did say crazy edit so thought I would be a bit more crazy than I usually am.