Missing darktable 5.0 camera profiles

I’ve just discovered the built-in camera profiles in dt 5.0, which are great, except the one for my main camera is missing (Canon EOS R5). It’s a pretty popular camera, so I’m surprised by its absence. What would be the steps needed to get in included? Can I (or someone) submit a sample to get the R5 into the list?

Hi, this new feature was the effort of one developer, who took samples from raw.pixls.us (which is down but hopefully coming back up soon) and made the new profiles. You can take a look at some and then just make your own, probably the fastest way. I believe he just eyeballed all of them.

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I have a Canon R7 and I created my own profile which I may do further tweaks to over time. The way I did it was to get a representative image, which in my case was a streetscape of a girl in Japan because it had skin tone as well as a variety of colours and dynamic range. I opened the cameras JPG version in DT and took a snapshot. I then opened the RAW file. I first worked out the exposure correction I needed to make the RAW match the JPG. I then did settings using various modules to chase the look of the JPG. This included contrast, shadow and highlights, local contrast, sharpening and denoising options. But the unexpected bit was using color zones module to play around with chroma and lightness values to produce similar skin tone to the JPG. But this new style I created for my R7 gives me an excellent starting point. Also since I created it myself it still feels like I have handcrafted the result rather than using someone else’s edit. The initial style was refined as I edited more images and compared the JPG to the created camera style. But this effort on my part was inspired by the excellent contribution of DT camera styles which are a good starting point for people new to DT.


Thanks, that’s good information. I think I’ll try something similar for my camera.