Modern pagoda, Utrecht, NL

One of the modern buildings near Utrecht’s central train station. converted with Darktable 3.6, rotated 90 degrees, mirrorred and treated to a GMIC “illustration” filter, then resized to 16:9

BTW: just upgraded my Darktable to 3.6 (I’m on Manjaro) and it is a truly amaze’ing (get it?) piece of software. I think I go back in history to having used version 1.2 or so of and on when I was still very much a UFRaw person - what, back in 2013 or so but I really started using DT on a daily basis only somewhere around version 2.01 - it sure has come a long way and, at least on my machine has relegated (A)RT to the backseat (still indispensable for Pentax pixelshift raws).


Lovely tone and color. Love the triangle pattern and the pagota shape is nicely framed!