Modified text not going to path (no longer a text layer)

I am currently trying to wrap text around a circle after I’ve modified it (added a gradient and duplicated background/shadow thing). I made some text and then filled it in with a gradient color and then duplicate that layer, and clicked “remove alpha channel” so that I could move it and make it a kind of shadow. Then I merged these two layers together. Now the layers of the used-to-be text layer are no longer text layers so I can’t do “text along path” anymore.

I’ve also tried to put the text along the circle path first and then add the gradient and the shadow effect, but I can’t seem to get the shadow effect (the duplicate text behind the text) to happen on the path. I attached a photo of it below.

Let me know if you need any clarification, thank you!:slight_smile:

Perhaps you can add the gradient etc. effects to the duplicated shadow layer after you wrap it to the circle?

I tried that and I could get the gradient effect to work, but I unfortunately couldn’t figure out how to add that duplicated image shadow/background effect I have going in that picture I attached

For a shadow effect, I just duplicate the layer, nudge it a few pixels, then adjust the color in the duplicated shadow layer.

That worked mostly! But now the text is all distorted…

I think the distortion is partly due to the fact the original font is highly italicized, as well as distorted itself. A slightly less distorted italic font might work better in such a tight circle.

My two cents;

  • to distort pixels around a circle, you have Filters > Distorts > Polar coordinates
  • otherwise, the usual technique is not to distort the text pixels but a path that represents the text, and then render the distorted path. Distorting the pixels directly would require to “stretch” them and will introduce blur which is very visible on text.
  • if you go the path route, then:
    • the “shadow” is not shifted linearly, but is a second rendering of the path after rotating the path (in fact you probably want to rotate “main” and “shadow” path equally in opposite directions
    • likewise the “main” and “shadow” paths likely have their baselines shifted (which is not the same thing as using circles with different radiuses)
    • you can still apply the gradient to the result of a rendered path, but the gradient has to be a conical gradient instead of a linear one
  • last, a major problem I see with your attempts is that your font is very big compared to the circle and has large ascenders/descenders that will get heavily distorted


Okay, I tried the filters > distorts > polar coordinates and I really like the look of it, but I would like to fit “lights” in there if I can. As well as, how do i get it to be a bigger circle that it’s going around? Pic below!

Also, in response to the font, I took off bold, but it is still distorted as its original font:/ And, I do want the font to circle around the path as a large font if that’s possible, but I’ll give it a try as well.

I tried making the font a lot smaller so that the text would have more of a chance not getting distorted. But, it still got a bit distorted. The roundness of the letters is not as clean, also there’s this weird clipping of colors that happens where the letters overlap. I don’t know what that’s about?

Honestly, the polar coordinates filter thing looks the best out of everything I’ve tried. I just need “lights” in there and for the circumference to be much larger…

I haven’t said so yet, but I really appreciate all the input, thank you :))

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I have two scripts for you then…

  • ofn-text-along-path will wrap a text along a path but instead of distorting the letters it just rotates them. There is also a raft of useful options (such as centering the text, positioning it relative to the path (baseline tweak…), running backwards on the path (bottom text)…
  • ofn-text-path-selection will correctly make a selection from a text path, even if there is an overlap of characters.

Both scripts found here. Installation instruction at bottom of page. Each ZIP contains a HTML doc explaining how the script works. Enjoy.

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