Monitor Calibration - my first attempt -Tips??

Greetings and thanks for the assistance!
Running Linux Pop_OS
Monitor BenQ SW2700 PT (no longer made)
Calibration Device - SpyderX Pro (also an older model)
So I’m about to go down the rabbit hole of calibrating my monitor.

I have a list of color profiles that came with my System 76 computer, and have chosen a couple I like and use them for processing, but would like to calibrate my monitor for the best viewing results online. I will print some images as well.
I am reading up on color profiles, etc to get a better understanding of the whole process. Getting more and more serious about my image quality from start to finish.
My Question:
What linux compatible program or app would work best with my SpyderX Pro?
DisplayCal? (It is available with Pop_OS)
I prefer a GUI based app at this time.
Is there a better more current calibration device I could consider?
Any good online articles that were helpful to you?
Most of my images are shot in sRBG.

thanks again. My purpose of starting this thread is to have a (hopefully simple) central start for anyone else in my position.

Hi @Va3pinner,

Here are some interesting links:

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Do we have a list of such useful links? I totally forgot about 9 degrees below - such a good source of information.

If not, why not? :wink:

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Thank you!

For that screen I would choose hardware calibration with the original benq software. Yea, it’s windows only, sorry.

DisplayCAL is what you want. The latest version seems to be 3.9.11. Here’s a good guide (ignore the warning about no development):

Yes, the CaliBrite ColorChecker Display Pro. Ignore the non-Pro versions. Not sure if the new HL devices work with DisplayCAL, but unless you need HDR you can ignore them as well. The Spyder devices are known to have unstable color filters and should generally be avoided.

Unless you know what you are doing, always shoot in sRGB. Of course, if you shoot RAW it doesn’t matter, since that is only for JPEG.