monthly video meetings?

I have lunch at 1800 UTC but I could set aside some of that time this Sunday. My hardware is unreliable though. Laptop: no mic, usually no webcam. Phone: yes mic/cam, sketchy touch/antenna

I was thinking on Saturday at 1800UTC. I’ll start a topic about it soon.


Like the idea, not sure if I’ll be attending yet, but in order to determine times it might be best to conduct a survey.

A) how likely are you to attend regularly?
B) what is your time zone?
C) number 1-7 preferred days of the week.
D) available hours for each given day.
*C and D would be according to their time zone.

Those most likely to attend should be given priority. And if there are more willing participants than anticipated, two different meetings may work best.

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If, as suggested at the beginning, the event is to be held as a casual conference, the use of a free BigBlueBotton instance instead of Jitsi would make sense. It’s designed for larger numbers of participants and offers some advantages over Jitsi, such as moderation, and also runs without installation in the browser. Jitsi is more suitable for private video telephony in small groups (although there are some public instances that can handle well over ten participants).

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how does that work? afaik bbb is a software, not a (free) service or a server. If someone installs it, they need a lot of bandwith.

Edit: I just created a bbb account. Apparently, meetings are limited to 60mins and recordings are disabled. Still, if it works better that Jitsi (except for recordings and length), couldn’t we combine Jitsi + bbb?

So the test is tomorrow at 1800UTC?

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I just got a confirmation from McCap for December 5, his presentation will be at 2000UTC, mine probably 1900UTC. So would December 5 1800 UTC work for you? Can you please also give us a more precise title? Just “creating panoramas with Hugin”?

Works for me: Sat is better than Sun.

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Jitsi is also a software :wink: And of course someone has to install BBB on a server and make it available to the public, as with Jitsi.

Just to name a few:


And experience shows that at least the first one runs stable and without time limit (probably the demo instance on the BBB page?). One note however: These servers are located in Germany, so this could be a bit disadvantageous depending on the regional focus of the participants. There are others and certainly some in other countries.

Yes, Saturday December 5 at 1800 UTC works. For a title, how about “Creating exposure fused panoramas with Hugin”.

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Mine will be about the color correction and the color toning tools in ART and RT.


I have been thinking about the topic and as I did play around a lot with color toning I would also like to do “Talk” about color toning.
So which topic would you prefer color toning or presenting the two tools mentioned above?
Keep in mind that though the tools are called color toning or color correction they can do so much more.

Let me know

I’d certainly be up for joining in.

As to what to use, we recently used Google meet to do a few sessions with a vendor on their software, it worked well enough with screen sharing etc.


Maybe color toning?

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Ok, it’ll be color toning then.

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@Karl did we test your screensharing yesterday? I think we did, didn’t we?

@McCap I will ask you for a quick technical test session a few days before December 5, so we check that everything (screensharing etc) works properly (since you were not present at the test session yesterday).

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Yes we did, it worked well.

So when will be the next meeting? And in which time zone?
I guess not before January 4?
Who wants to present/talk about something?
I will be very happy if there is a second meeting but on the other hand there is no pressure. We could have a meeting e.g. on January 9, or 2 weeks later or 2 months later. This is really just for fun.


I’m planning on some office hours where I’ll edit using filmic, but not until after the dt 3.4 release.


Did the meeting push through? I’m quite interested to listen in :slight_smile:
Where can I see the meeting details for the next one?
I’ll also be happy to assist in the UTC+8 zone.

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