Much improved deghosting

41_postgamma_1_ghosted Amsterdam moving boat GHOSTED (HDR created from 3 exposures without manual deghosting) tonemapped with fattal

Amsterdam moving boat DEGHOSTED (HDR created from 3 exposures WIDTH manual deghosting) tonemapped with fattal

Amsterdam moving boat GHOSTED (HDR created from 3 exposures without manual deghosting) tonemapped with ferradans

Amsterdam moving boat DEGHOSTED (HDR created from 3 exposures WIDTH manual deghosting) tonemapped with ferradans

London bridge GHOSTED (HDR created from 3 exposures without manual deghosting) tonemapped with fattal

London bridge DEGHOSTED (HDR created from 3 exposures WIDTH manual deghosting) tonemapped with fattal

London bridge GHOSTED (HDR created from 3 exposures without manual deghosting) tonemapped with ferradans

London bridge DEGHOSTED (HDR created from 3 exposures WIDTH manual deghosting) tonemapped with ferradans


A description under each image explaining what it shows would be good. I’m also curious as to why the colors vastly differ among images of the same set (is the anti-ghosting algo doing that?) and why there is strong clipping in these image (since the practical point of tone-mapping is to prevent clipping).

Hi Morgan, those are all tonemapped images from two different HDRs per image set (4 HDRs then, two for the boat, two for the bridge). The first HDR in each set is from merging the 3 exposures without deghosting, the second applying manual deghosting.
You can see “ghosts” in some of the tonemapped pictures.
Color shift is caused by the algo which processes the 3 color channels separately.

@fcomida I’m still confused, as there are photos of: boat boat bridge bridge boat bridge bridge. It would really clarify things if you annotated each image.
Which branch is the code in?

@Morgan_Hardwood In order and annotated. Thank you.
My local branch, I’ll push it soon.

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Great, thank you.