Museum exhibit.

Trying to make a more contrasted B&W… (but I just noticed my laptop is not correctly calibrated… so I do not know how will it look in your screen)

2024-03-18_16-11-40.nef.xmp (15.7 KB)


Oh god, am I that old? I remember this type of living room :astonished:. I would even put the setting back to the 60s.


2024-03-18_16-11-40.nef.xmp (13.8 KB)


Yeah, we are that old. It’s odd when you see you parent’s furniture on display in a museum.

The 1970’s dating was an error on my part. The TV is probably a L&L (Linnet&Laursen, danish manufacturer of tvs and radios and they shut down in 1965), but I remember one of them from my childhood in the 70’s.

Oh! And the record player looks like Beogram 1000! we had one of those when I was a kid :slight_smile: