Must.... Take.... Photos!

What do you do when it’s 99F / 37C with 65% humidity in the shade, no clouds and it’s about 90 minutes before the sun goes down? Well, you jump in the car and drive 25 miles to photograph the sun setting over a lake! That’s what happens when you have cabin fever from too many, too hot – and far from over – summer days in a row keeping you inside. Just sayin’…

These were taken at Valentine Lake near Gardner, Louisiana. Processed in ART 1.20 and Affinity Photo 2.1

The end of a hot day… but it won’t cool off much at any rate. Nighttime lows were about 83F / 28C.

Canon T8i / 850D, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro

I like the abstract quality of these lily pads. It looks like they’re floating in a sea of nothingness.

Canon T8i / 850D, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM

On the Summer Solstice last week I got up (way too) early and drove out to take some morning shots. It was overcast and sprinkling rain off-and-on, but I walked away with a couple of images.

This looked like a pink layer cake. Better light was happening off to the left, but it was obscured by pine trees.

Canon T8i / 850D, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM

Early morning light on Kisatchie Bayou

Canon T8i / 850D, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro

A nice little tree, if in a too-cluttered environment.

Canon T8i / 850D, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro

Louisiana’s version of Niagara Falls (unfortunately that’s not really a joke):

Canon T8i / 850D, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro


You said the stuff around you is ugly but you’ve clearly lied! There are some super nice captures here, well done!


Thanks… Maybe it’s a case of “familiarity breeds contempt”? :slight_smile: After 64 years in the same state it all starts to look pretty “same”. LOL

“Something something photography something new eyes” - a photographer at some point in time :joy:


I love the one of the green lily pads.


Too much heat? Perhaps, but probably nothing but EOL.

Irrespective of what, it is great fun to compare how this image develops in Rawtherapee versus darktable. It looks like I presently am more skilled in using RT…

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


I know I’m currently better in ART than darktable. It’s all down to familiarity and (as pilots say) currency. I was using darktable full time and then something about ART just kind of clicked with me. Now I can’t do anything in darktable anymore. :smiley: I’m sure my RT ‘chops’ have faded as well.


Not necessarily a photographer :slight_smile: :

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust

Great captures. N.5 is my favourite. Looks like a great location too, maybe not as “exotic” irl as in the photograph, but great nonetheless :slight_smile:

PS: Unrelated but it’s unfortunate that the capture challenge thread was closed. While individual posts are great too, it seems like they had a lot more engagement from everyone, maybe since everything was gathered there.



Agreed, which was kind of why I asked a related question in an earlier post. Maybe this thread is generic enough to become the next group photo topic? (hint, hint) :grin:


Whilst photography has been in the backdrop for me lately, I still try to go out and get a few shots here and there as most of the times it’s an enjoyable experience. ‘Must take photos’ :slight_smile:

The last bird is a yellow-crowned bishop, quite ‘rare’ in Portugal. Unfortunately the photo doesn’t do him justice, with direct sunlight they shine like gold, it’s quite a pretty sight.


The first one is a really cool angle. Looks like he (she?) is deep in “dive mode”. :slight_smile:

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