My father passed away

Thanks friends! I am very much like my father and completely okay with pain and loss. Like him, I enjoy being in the company of people from all walks of life. That is why I am here. The funeral went well. A little chilly but I made sure I dressed warmly. Now that my schedule is open, perhaps it is time to take out the dusty camera and trail runners.


Indeed, some photo making may prove cathartic :slight_smile:

I need some recommendations! I probably know how to do this but I am simply not in the head space.

The funeral home finally retrieved our lost live stream. I want to archive it but have trouble because my internet connect is inconsistent. What are ways to download, resume if cut off and checksum. Yes, I am using Windows 10. I prefer FLOSS but want it as simple as possible. Thanks!

Actually, I think I already have it. I looked in the wrong directory~oops! But recommendations are still welcome because I like to learn new things. :nerd_face:

wget will resume aborted downloads. Windows binaries are here: GNU Wget 1.21.1 for Windows