My personal darktable theme.

user.css goes in ~/.config/darktable – it’s the file that the preferences dialog saves the “CSS tweaks” to so copying user.css should do exactly the same as copying its contents to the preferences dialog.


Sorry, my mistake. Now corrected :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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Very nice and colorful option … but I must admit that it is rather distracting from the work at hand.

“” does not include user.css!
What am I missing?

I’m going to upload an update of the theme ASAP.


This is my last (2022/05/15) user.css (4.4 KB)

The instructions are the same. User can enter the user.css info into the darktable configuration window / general tab /

The base theme I use is darktable-icons


Thanks … I still have a problem understanding …
“” contains 3 files (all of which are zip files)
When I further open any of those 3 files, none contain user.css.
I do understand how the ‘user.css’ is to be applied but I cannot find that file in your

Well, I just downloaded the zip through the link in @difrkaguilar’s post above, and the archive I received contained one (1) file, called “user.css” (size: 16 kB).

@davidvj : Perhaps more details on what exactly you did might be helpful?

Not sure what is going on here … when I download that same zip file I find that it contains 3 further zip files none of which contained ‘user.css’.
However, the most recent offering from Franklin that was sent does indeed contain user.css.txt which can be used.
Unfortunately this latest file appears to have serious problems on both of my systems. Parts of the screen simply vanish making this version unusable.
This is a shame … when I initially tested the file it worked well so I am not sure what has changed. I am running the git install ver: 3.9.0+1484~gdc929e1f90 … somehow I doubt that this makes any difference.

You could consider submitting it upstream so the devs can include it in the next major release or maybe even the next 3.8.x release.

I have absolutely no idea what is going on here but I do finally have this theme running correctly. Apologies to all for some still unknown gaff on my part.
And thank you again Franklin for your work.
Yes, nice idea to have this as a optional theme.


Maybe it was because I use the darktable-icons as base theme.

Users must select darktable-icons first and then copy the info of user.css and paste to the tweaks section.

@difrkaguilar: great work but you could simplify and reduce your theme file. Just remove all lines that are already in darktable.css file. For example, just probably all (or nearly all, I didn’t check exactly) “Reset GTK defaults” lines (after define-color ones) could be removed.

And your theme miss selected text color. when selecting lines on CSS text box, I can’t see which lines I have selected. As it’s set on darktable themes, you probably override that.

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Thanks a lot for the advice. I’ll go to check the file with the Meld app to have a better idea of the lines to remove.

As always, many thanks to each and every darktable developer involved in the process of creating this software gem.

Great tools come with great responsibilities. :wink:

darktable is growing and improving with the inclusion of new tools and the improvement of others in each version.

For this version 4.2 I made some adjustments to my personal theme. But as I wrote in my first message of this post. This is a free personal version that I know does not follow the rules and guidelines advised by the developers to avoid visual mismatches in terms of contrasts, etc. to avoid the negative effects generated by optical illusions

I’ve left two screenshots of the appearance of the theme in this new version.

“No cornea was harm during the creation process of this theme”. :slight_smile:

Greetings from La Habana, Cuba.

version 0.2 (4.9 KB)




Thank you for keeping the theme up to date and sharing - I like it very much!


@difrkaguilar: I find the orange too dark, I like “yellow ochre” better: #f6c72b
It is of course a matter of personal taste :slight_smile: Awesome theme !


I changed mine to blue highlights. :slight_smile:

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… And I changed mine to yellow #ffff00
Much better for my eyes :slight_smile:

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the original orange color of the first theme was e08217
and I made some test with cyan too.


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Thank you so much for sharing! I really like it!

My intention was to change the font-color or morely the header / module background of a (every) module for better visibility.

Can you help me getting the right naming for:

  • font-color of module naming (header)
  • is it possible to change the header background?
  • if not maybe the / all module-backgrounds
  • and the thin line between them

I would be very happy if you could tell me something about it.

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