Natron has the fasted renderer out there

I don’t recommend using video as input or output.

If you are able to create a simple project that crashes please send it to me

I also like the idea of having a render manager.
I’m going to contact Richard Frangenberg, the creator of Prism-Pipeline and Pandora render manager, and ask him whether there are any plans for a Natron and Nuke integration.
I’ve been using Pandora with Blender for a while and I think its good. It’d be great if it works with Natron and Nuke in the future.

A simple project won’t crash for me. Natron never crashed while doing simple stuff. It only crashes when there is a complex and heavy file. High resolutions, a lot of read nodes (even image sequences), using multiple nodes that need high performance power, etc are some situations where Natron struggles or crashes. But Natron doesn’t crash very often.

Same here, only on big comps with a lot of image sequences.
What helps is rebooting the computer.

Prism pipeline looks interesting!

Never use videos in node based comp software… always image sequences.
Btw. When I drag’n’drop a .jpg in Natron, it disappears immediately…

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We could enable crash reporting again …

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That would be great… but it would only be useful if people actually took the effort to use it and report crashes…

And that’s the reports I want :wink: The more info we get from the user the better

The existing solution will popup a dialog offering to send a report when Natron crashes. We could also modify this process.

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Crash reporting sounds great!
But will this work when Natron just disappears ?

I am working on a project for the next few weeks for which I will use Natron a lot.
(Still checking if I can send you a project, but its a hell lot of files…).

Especially the crashes when DiskCashing or Rendering are important to fix.
Also willing to donate and to promote Natron, the rendering speed is just amazing on a Threadripper :slight_smile:

(coming from BMD Fusion, its soooo slow and the support is s***, figured out that Natron does not need a 3d workspace at all, we have Blender and the two work great together…).

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The current implementation will not work without a server. I’m working on a local crash system.

It might be easier to get the crash reporting working. I got the server side working already and I have tested reporting on Linux and Windows (I don’t think we can enable on Mac anymore?). We need to enable building of the crash reporter again, update server url and collect symbol files.

Sounds great.
Using Ubuntu “Pop!_OS” 18.04 LTS
Would also be ok to start Natron with some kind of wrapper script which makes logs

Natron custom build with crash reporting:

Note that this is a bit hackish as the build system created a broken CrashReporter (does not detect Natron-bin crashes), so you will need to apply a “patch”.

tar xvf Natron-crash-201912080826-432aef9-64-no-installer.tar.xz
zcat NatronCrashReporter-glibc223-gcc55.gz > Natron-crash-201912080826-432aef9-64-no-installer/bin/Natron

Basically extract Natron to FOLDER and overwrite FOLDER/bin/Natron. When Natron crashes you will get a dialog.

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Just installed your version and forced Natron to crash while simply importing a .jpg file into a read node (I think messed up the words read and write in crash report).

Thank you so much for diving into Natron’s code.

Are you sure the report was sent? I don’t see any new report. On success you will get a unique ID back from the server.

You can go into settings and trigger a test crash just to see if it works.

Ok, I did it again:


When I get the Dump uploading screen:


should I click issue Tracker and open that Github issue then ?

Thanks for the info, seems to be an issue on the server-side. I just sent 5 crash reports in a row to the server and they all show up fine… Odd

You can also save the crash to file (xxxx.dmp) and just send it to me.

Server issues resolved, we have a cap on file upload. Will make it a bit larger.

My Natron just crashed while doing a DiskCache.

However, no crash reporter window appeared!

It depends on the crashes, not all can be detected sadly. The cache crash could be related to disk/mem issues/usage

For future I will run Natron always from terminal, maybe there will be some useful output…