experiment with svg in natron
That is nice. If you add some animated eyes, it will be cute and scary at the same time.
Thanks. I have to follow it.
I inspire me in your article:
Wow!! Thanks for reading my article. It humbling to here that it inspired you.
Cool Breeze!
project: https://download.tuxfamily.org/4232/wordpress//2018/05/gnu_volador.zip
Only lacking:
- bones 2.5D (simil blender)
- papagayo x-sheet (lst)
- bit better the interpolation (alpha channel)
- auto illumination of 2d shapes
- gmic colorize
And it is much better that Synfig Studio
screenshot problem with alpha
This is a bug in ReadSVG!
Take a look at the nube0 layer. It’s white and premultiplied, so we should have R=G=B=A everywhere, including on the border. If you look at the pixels on the border, alpha is much higher than expected.
So either there is a gamma correction issue, or a premultiplication issue
OK found the bug, fixed it for 2.3.13, but you can also fix it with older versions:
In ReadSVG, set manually File Premult to PreMultiplied
GNUVolador now part of the official Natron unit tests (which are run continuously) Natron-Tests/GNUVolador at master · NatronGitHub/Natron-Tests · GitHub
GNUVolador is also available as part of the official Natron example projects in https://natron.fr/download
I also fixed the filename in the Writer to be relative to [Project]