Natron Tutorials

Haha, wow…this is serious stuff. Intimidating too. hahaha-excited though! I’m gonna play around with it to see how I can get a grasp of it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Well, upon returning to my project as is as I showed up there, I can’t seem to be able to get the footage to move with the tracked mask and also have those effects applied. This is what drives me insane about Natron. There doesn’t sem to be a rhyme or reason as to what order the effects will work in the way you expect.


After painful experimentation ( i bring my project computer to work with me and it has no internet connection ) on how to make the cable connections, its finally worked. Here is the arrangement :

Thanks for this script!

Its sooo complicated to make a simple mask (even which option to select e.g. multiply, atop…),
the script helps but its still freaks me out and I guess its an important deal breaker for most newcomers.

Wondering why there is no simple function to add a mask ?

After adding a mask (which occurs as expected) I added a ChromaKey and suddenly lost the masks alpha channel… what am I doing wrong?

fig.1: added roto for masking, result as expected.

fig.2: added a chroma key, the alpha information from the roto is somehow lost.

I think its a Linux related bug:

made a tutorial for masking:

but the green screen thing is still not really solved, ended up with rendering out the whole thing 2x, first time with the green screen applied, then doing the masking stuff… :hot_face:

a few hours later, masking the simple way (thanks to @Shrinks99):


the videos are on peertube_