Hello. My first post in this forum.
I have just started using Siril for my astro workflow and have been watching Rich’s videos in the learning process but am abit stuck and was hoping to get help here.
I have 2 sets of data for my HA/luminance data and 1 set for my RGB. I have combined the HA data in Sirilic and in Siril I prosessed this data using the OSC_HA_extract script giving me a monocrome image of the HA data. After prosessing the RGB data using the OSC_preprocessing script and splitting the channels to r,g,b then adding the HA data to the luminence channel in RGB compositing, the whole image goes b/w.
What am I doing wrong? If I uncheck the “use luminance” I get a color picture but then I am not using any of the HA data.