Need help figuring out X-T1 default DT processing

I meant is a discourse board. I do use . And indeed, I created new topic, attached two files, one RAF and other JPG as found in a memory card. For some reason, RAF is converted to JPG (and since I am not here I did not complain and assumed things are like that). I repeated it like 2 times to make sure it is not user error to no avail.

Sorry. is it a massive raw?? Sorry I have no idea
 what if you disguise it in a zip file??

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Sorry it doesn’t seem to be working for you, but the forum software absolutely does not do this.

You can link to the raw file from some other online file sharing platform.

1 Like (25.7 MB)

Looks like compressing the file did the trick (wonder also what is the forum etiquette for large attachments). I did nothing special this time. I did some search and it is probably similar case to Png converts to Jpg no matter what! - support - Discourse Meta

Here is a quick edit I did

DSCF0017.RAF.xmp (11.7 KB)

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Hard rules are enforced by the forum software (no files larger than 100MB, allowlist of file extensions). Etiquette is posting as small of an image as you need to illustrate your point, since we intend to keep the forum intact for as long as we possibly can. That’s pretty much it.

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Hi, Terry!

I agree most of the time using:

X-Trans CFA

would be an overkill, but it helps fighting moiré and extracts colour from finest details e.g. in tiny twigs among leaves - my camera itself renders JPEG with the twigs as green as surrounding leaves for example.

Also it is recommended to use high quality demosaicing algorithms to get the best of other modules.

And since my PC is not old enough to be murdered by loading and processing times, I set the above by default :slight_smile:

I see Markesteijn algorithm is only n the list for Fuji files. I sometimes use LMMSE for high ISO images on my cameras with Bayer sensors.

TY. I will try to learn from it too.