need help with smooth sun color gradient


I need help for processing a RAW image to get a similar result with a smooth sun color gradient as my camera (Sony Alpha 7 IV) does for JPG.

I shoot RAW+JPG simultaneously. The camera’s original JPG looks like this:

With default darktable filters and no additional filters activated, I get this result:

I set preserve chrominance in module filmic_rgb to luminance Y and get this:

It still does not look good. The color gradient of the sun has hard edges and is not that smooth that the original Sony JPG looks like.
Maybe someone wants to play with this and can write down the changes?

Here is my RAW file: (25.8 MB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

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dt 4.0

filmic options: color science v5, preserve chrominance:no
filmic reconstruction: transition: 4,54 EV
highlight reconstruction: reconstruct in Lch

_DSC3128_01.ARW.xmp (14.0 KB)

This is my version:

  • Retouched to remove sensor spot
  • Tone equalizer to remove global contrast
  • Color calibration to make colors maybe a little bit unrealistic :slight_smile:
  • Diffuse or sharpen to add local contrast
  • Color balance to add basic colorfuness
  • Filmic v6 and no chrominance preservation
  • More details in the sidecar file: _DSC3128.ARW.xmp (20.0 KB)

@OrcLex , I think you can probably get it more to your liking in filmic by using the Reconstruction feature / tab. However this can be quite fiddly.
It’s not directly helpful but here’s a version done with Sigmoid, an alternative to filmic, which has fewer controls and can get good results quickly. Sigmoid is not yet incorporated into the mainstream but many are hoping it will be soon-ish.
Note that rather than write down details, you can load other peoples’ XMP files. Select your raw in lighttable then use “load sidecar file” under “history stack”.

_DSC3128-sunset-rawconvert-sigmoid-V1-S-sRGB.xmp (45.3 KB)

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_DSC3128.ARW.xmp (9.2 KB)

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Was a bit lazy today :slight_smile: So gave it a try using Affinity Photo only.

Nice shot btw.


After seeing other edits, I don’t like mine anymore. So I tried once again, this time I tried to get a more accurate night feeling and also I cropped the image.

_DSC3128_01.ARW.xmp (16.9 KB)

@peterdb I thought we can only use open source in the play raws.

Unfortunately photoflow can’t handle this raw so I’ve exported a neutral raw with color propagation enabled from Art and feed it into photflow

_DSC3128-1.pfi (40.6 KB)

Mainly using darktable for my edits, but sometimes I wish to see what other software on my computer is capable of. If there is a rule that only FOSS can be used in Playraw-topics, I have no problem withdrawing my post.

No problem for me! I was just wondering. Nice edit by the way :slight_smile:

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Thanks for all your edits. I tried to reproduce them and experimented with the options.
Now here is my edit:

_DSC3128.ARW.xmp (23.4 KB)

Kind regards


Trying to reproduce the OOC jpg

more colored interpretation

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