Neewer TT560 speedlite AF beam assistance on Lumix S5II

Hey guys,
I don´t know how to activate/ use the AF assistance light on my TT560 speedlite. I am using the Lumix S5II. When taking a photo in the dark there is just the little assistance light of the Lumix firing, but nothing from the speedlite. Any advice?

What have you tried? What settings/modes do you have enabled?

I’m afraid I strongly doubt that flash even has such a feature. It looks like a fully manual flash with a single pin on the bottom. A focus assist function would require camera-brand specific comunication features with extra pins. The window on the front of the flash appears to be for optical triggering by another flash if you set it somewhere off-camera.

They can try connecting a PC cable

I don’t think syncing is the problem. It appears he wants a focus assist feature that doesn’t exist. When I used to shoot Canon, I had a Canon flash that could project a little grid of red lines on a subject for focusing in the dark. It was useful, but my camera back then needed more light to focus with than any mirrorless camera these days.

At any rate, no manual flash will have that feature. I don’t even know if Panasonic does any such thing with their own flashes; they hardly sell any at all, and those are pretty basic from what I’ve seen.

Ah, I’ve had flashes that fire at a lower power when the camera is trying to focus. Then fire a full power when focus locks and the shutter fires.

Yes, that red grid is exactly what I mean. I thought when you talk about a automatic speedlite, the TTL is meant, so I assumed that red light is something different and it also sounds like a quiet basic feature. It looks like it has it in the front, but that might just be another device to communicate with other flashes (?)

I don´t really know stuff about flashes, so thank you very much!

I’ve just realized I have the same model! Yes, the red cover on the front is just the whatsamacallit… um… the thing to make the flash fire when it detects a flash from a camera or other flash, when it’s in S1 or S2 mode. Read the manual… I’ve forgotten what the two modes do. :smile:

For anyone new to using flash, my favorite online resource is David Hobby’s Strobist blog. He’s no longer updating it as he considers it complete. It has multiple full courses from the absolute basics of lighting up through advanced technique.

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