New Color Label Collection Filter Broken in Windows DT4.0?


I’ve just upgraded from DT3.8 to DT4.0 and am having issues with the new Color Filter widget which at least on my system appears to be completely broken. Looking at the history, it doesn’t appear to reflect what the color label widget is showing (see screen grab below). I also cannot change the filter type from “at least” to “all” - it is stuck on “at least”.


The net result is that I can’t filter on color labels at all - the result in the lighttable does not reflect what the filter widget settings show.

Is anyone else having similar issues? Appreciate I may be completely misunderstanding how this is intended to work, but I have checked that part of the DT manual and it doesn’t seem to work (at least on my system) as the manual indicates.

I am on Windows 64bit and used the 64bit installer from the DT website.

Many thanks,

It might be the selection of the “gray” button, which stands for “all colors”, it’s not a label itself.

So then your condition would be (R or Y or G or B or M or (not G) or (not Y) or (not R) ). That should mean “all images”.

What happens if you leave the “gray” label unselected? And what exactly do you want to do?
If you want all images with only the magenta label set, you’d need to unselect the gray button and switch to “∩” (intersection), not “∪” (union)

Hi - thanks for your help.

I’m trying to filter for photo’s with only a selected color label (pink in this case). I’ve done my best to reset the filter so that it looks as follows:


If I then click on the pink button it changes to this:


…and the history now looks like this:


The intersection/union button doesn’t change if I press it. It seems locked on the Union setting. If I click the pink label again I get this:


I’ve not touched the grey button at all… The light table is showing both starred images (without any color labels) and images with pink and blue labels.

In fact clicking the union button just seems to reset all the labels back their “not” setting (i.e. empty circle with a cross through it).

In your case, you need to get the intersection, union will always give too many selected.

I may need to click twice on the union/intersection button to get it to change, so there may be a problem there (may be, could be a matter of getting the widget active, or selected, not quite sure). But it works in the end… You should see it “light up” when you mouse over it.

I’ve recorded a small GIF animation that hopefully explains the issue more clearly. As you can hopefully see, the Union button doesn’t do anything apart from resetting the other filters.

Color Filter

You are on Windows, right? I’ve encountered the same. On Linux it seems ok.

Yes it’s Windows.

Hi, I also have the same problem on Windows (Windows 11, DT 4.0). On Mac (macOS 11.6.7) it seems to work as expected.

I’ll raise an issue on github on this soon

Thanks Andreas