I’ve spent some quality time yesterday trying to match the adobe standard tone curve with the filmic module, I think that the adobe tone curve is fast and very pleasant most of the time.
The goal is that using the filmic module is possible to recover the highlights too (don’t forget to enable the lch highlights reconstruction module).
I dont’t know how to export a preset from darktable so i will post a simple .xmp with only the filmic module here
I’ve discovered that the neutral base curve in darktable while not a perfect match is very close to the adobe standard tone curve and I’ve used that as a reference to match.
I tested on different photos (interior and exterior) and your pre-set definitions of Filmic were always better than the default base curve from darktable. I don’t know if it possible to replace the default base curve with a new default filmic module, but would save us some seconds per photo : )
There is in 3.2.1, I’m not at my workstation at the moment so not sure exactly but under preferences you can select scene referred which will automatically switch on filmic and exposure
Great work.
I still try to wrap my mind around the filmic rgb module and such examples are great.
While I get better results in the on in v3.2.1 then before, I still bump into things I cannot yet work my way around yet. Also, the same settings never give me a consistent effect between images. While in adobe lightroom things seem to behave much more predictable. (but I dislike the lack of control in lightroom)
Anyway, back to your style: I get weird artifacts in an image I was editing. Not sure if it’s the style or something else:
I attached the RAW original if you want to play with it. DSC_2713.NEF (27.0 MB)
I used your preset with a surprising result. See screen shot below.
To the right you have the neutral base curve and to the left the result after applying your preset. Very different result!
Your preset changes the raw black/white point and the white balance settings. Why is that?
If I change the raw black/white point and the white balance to the original settings, the result of your preset is a lot like the neutral base curve result. And it recovers the highlights nicely (in other photos)…
How did you create this style? Just eyeballing the changes? Or is there a more advanced way to figure out filmic settings to match a certain adobe style?
Sorry, probably something went wrong when i exported the dtsyle
It gives the same issue to me but if i reset the history it works
With the eye dropper and sample points , i first convert the image to grayscale because filmic manages the saturation in a different way from the rgb curve/base curve
What did you select as the profile for your histogram and colorpicker?
Because, I noticed that the eye dropper and sample points change when changing the profile used for the histogram. Based on what I select I get things like a very blue color to something much more towards white when color picking for that artifacted area I mentioned above. But the image I see on screen remains the same.
Can’t you just pull the Adobe curve for your camera from an Adobe DCP file…then just add that curve in the base curve module…it’s easy to get with Dcamprof?? Adobe will process with a lut and or hue saturation adjustment table as well??
I use the srgb profile.
It’s possible to use the colorize module to find the gray value that will be mapped to 118 (middle gray in srgb) from the base curve.