New icons in darktable 5.0 on thumbnails; what do they mean?

Hi Folks,

I have just installed darktable 5.0.0. And I recognize new icons on the thumbnails. I couldn’t find any information what these icons mean. The yellow flash and the red needle.
Does anybody here knows what they mean?


What’s the source of your darktable install files?

I don’t know, whether I get your question. But I am using ubuntu linux and just installed the Snap version.

Interesting! And nothing appears when you place the mouse over these icons?


What do you get in the preferences > lighttable > pattern for the thumbnail extended overlay text?

Ah, it says:


I assume, that the “needle” indicates that gps location data is available.
But I don’t get what the flash is for.

I assume it means the flash was fired for that frame.

No, I use flash very rarely and definitely not for landscape shots.

The icons are not part of the default settings from darktable, so I was wondering if someone did an edit to your install. It seems that your pattern for the overlay includes displaying icons. Did you change that field?

I guess darktable found the image to be a flashy landscape shot … :wink:

@paperdigits: You are right! The file is a scan of an analogue negative. And I did use flash for the scan.

@g-man: I have no idea how this configuration was set. I am sure, it was not by accident. Just too complicated.

When I reset my settings with double click, I get this:

Also with a new config folder, so there might be new default settings.

Related to this maybe… 5.0 release notes…

Thanks for pointing that out. I will look into the code. I don’t think showing icons is a good idea.

So it was an intended change: add more ExIF values as substitutable variables by ralfbrown · Pull Request #17501 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

The pin means there is GPS info for that image.
The flash means there was a flash.

Sorry, I disagree. Small amount of space (compared to text) to communicate something that someone (like me) may want to know: was there geotagging for that capture? Yes I can scroll through the image information and look for Lat and Long coordinates, but this is way faster and more convenient.

I think the color are distracting.

I have a different string in my settings, so this doesn’t show.