I think that patch was only for the German translation
I think, you are right. Is there ever a chance to do it properly with one, let’s say library or call for all languages? Hard to imagine
is there a chance to have mouse scroll wheel to scroll panels up and down in 2.7 instead of adjusting parameters? I keep accidentally moving some parameters. Then going to find the scrollbar all the time is tedious.
Already done, so yes big chance to have it.
You find this in the preferences of dt 2.7. Tick and enjoy
Hello, in version 2.6.2 I had encountered some difficulties and setbacks in lighttable, during the operations of moving, viewing, zooming in / out and selecting images. Did this new look help solve them? Thank you
Maybe, maybe not.
Hello, if I could better document what I wrote, I could help the developers, unfortunately, however, what I am talking about does not generate a block or an error and therefore cannot be documented. I refer to the experience of use, which is not fluid and fluent in the display, zoom and file selection options in the lighttable panel. For example, it should be possible to trace a file selection box with the pointer, this would help the massive selection operations, I speak of small tricks that would make the work more fluid and faster
The UI will not change fluidity as it just a Gtk rework. But some other improvements have been made (and some cache options have been added) this month on master version (darktable 2.7).
But rendering and fluidity depends on the computer you have AND if you see, zoom and select edited image or not. A RAW without development history could be faster to render than an edited one, especially with some modules who need some power.
I don’t have a really powerful computer for that and I have speak with some developers on Github about that and they explain that lighttable views is based on the RAW and development history to see what will be exported, so that needs some power. As sometimes, I have to wait on master version, I find it faster now than 2.6.x., with the help on some code improvements but also with a new 100% image cache option, which use disk space of course but really accelerate image viewing.
Can we change the look of the color zones module back to what it was? I like the option to add nodes where needed but the overall look and handling seems to be worse if you ask me.
Edit: typo
That’s absolutely not related to this topic. The new interface has not changed modules.
Color zones modules was changed and discussed already some weeks ago. It’s now another way to work with this module. Personally I find it better now than with the previous one.
Edit : to understand what was changed and how, see here :
My bad, didn’t know I went off topic.
Fantastic job with latest commit on master branch. On a 4K display it’s smoother than previous 2.6.2 version, and the UI is nicer. Very good job !
But with this version (I don’t know if its really related to the UI modification, or to my dual darktable installation (one from debian experimental 2.6.2 and the other one in /opt from latest git sources)), I lost all my module presets and all the dt styles.
If I go back to the debian version, it’s OK I retrieve all my module presets and dt styles.
I tried to force the configdir through command-line to my usual darktable config dir but no luck.
Does somebody already encouter this problem ?
Thank you
It’s not related to the UI modification. Anyway, darktable 2.7 had seen lot of changes this pas few months and the database is no more compatible between 2.6 and 2.7. Presets and styles are stored in the database, so your problem is probably here. Be careful to not try using the same database with both versions. If you open it with 2.7, darktable will migrate your database and that can’t be revert back, so will became not usable for 2.6 ones.
So maybe, try (if you have) to go back to an older saved database and use a 2.6 database and a migrated one for 2.7 (with two separate config folders). That’s data.db file which stores styles and presets (and tags).
Thank you for your reply.
OK it’s located in the data.db. I had to backup the data.db and library.db to be able to execute the latest darktable build, so I have my old database files.
I will do a migration of my module presets, as my dt styles can be added easily from the existing directory.
Thanks again.
But the module’s interface has changed in 2.7… So not really off topic.
I suspected the loss of my presets was not related to the UI modifications. Maybe a modification of internal processing or algorithm of some module could be the cause, as input parameters could not be the same anymore or whatever.
But I saw a post in this topic some posts above, of someone not retrieving its modules presets when using the new UI, so I asked
I just needed a simple migration of the presets stored inside the old library.db
Just tried DT 2.7, wow! It is amazing!
I have one suggestion though, once the Lut 3D module is pretty much on satisfactory state by devs, it would be great if a couple of features could be added, Since we tell this module in what folders our LUTs are located it would be awesome if we could use scroll wheel of the mouse to swap LUTs located in the LUTs folder without the need to open the load LUT dialog box. This would dramatically speed up workflow. Another very welcome thing wold be opacity setting for this module. There are many cases when the LUT is nice but a bit too strong in it’s effect and it is very useful when software that allows to set the intensity of how much the loaded LUT affects the image.
Maybe my practice is not the best, but in my video projects I use the LUT opacity settings quite often usually making their opacity 50 or more percent less. so many times the one wants this middle ground between original and LUT.
I believe these two additions would make this awesome LUT 3D module even more exciting than it is now. Anyway, everything that is going on with the latest development of DT is amazing, I mean, wow, the new interface, I didn’t expect it to be this pleasant. Exciting and bright future of Darktable I see. All I can say is that for the past few releases of Darktable I love the developers, 2.7 or whatever the number of the next release is gonna be super awesome once again!
And/or the arrow keys