New to raw - hate my results so far

About as close as I could make it to the jpeg, however there is some strange magenta-ish color cast going on and it gave me a hard time.

Sorry, I used darktable, but this is just to show you that with enough perseverence you can definitely do as good (and most times better, up to your taste) as the builtin camera processing.

P1120111.ORF.xmp (24.9 KB)

I see a lot of unnatural-looking skies and radioactive grass in the pictures above, as you can see personal taste definitely varies from person to person :slight_smile:


My interpretation, with ARTP1120111-art.jpg.out.arp (11.2 KB)

My attempt on darktable dev 3.1 (so xmp may not work for everyone)

P1120111.ORF.xmp (15.9 KB)

P1120111.ORF.pp3 (12.3 KB)

P1120111.ORF.mixer.pp3 (12.3 KB)

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P1120111.ORF.xmp (10.4 KB) P1120111_01.ORF.xmp (10.9 KB)

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lake.hate.results.orf.xmp (7.5 KB) darktable 3.0.1

Wonderful scene!

Edited in darktable. Started with preset from Basic semi-automated style for darktable 3.0/filmic. Added a second instance of color balance with a parametric mask on the greens. I wanted the greens a little warmer and push the contrasts. Hope it is not overcooked :wink:


Your pp3 with two modifications:

  • use of Adobe standard DCP instead of the bundled one as I find it saturates colors too much for my taste
  • use of tone curve/perceptual; I use film-like if I want to boost colors.
  • a little vibrance

P1120111-2.jpg.out.pp3 (12.7 KB)

note : for the photo I process in raw, I don’t try first to reproduce the jpeg as I made above. It seems to me that it is limiting the possibilities. If it was one of my images, perhaps I would keep the OOC jpeg with possibly some small tweak.

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Loooooook at that distortion… clearly architecture is not the strength of this lens :wink:

P1120111.ORF.xmp (32.7 KB)

Most of my work is the crop. Nothing special in the processing… I failed to neutralize the yellow in this shot that I didn’t much care for.


Tried to do something between what I would normally try and do and the JPEG you posted (in darktable). Probably went a little bit too far on the local contrast and contrast equalizer, but this look was easily achieved with the exposure, tone curve, color zones and lut3D modules.

I always try to experiment with it first, but I’ve had difficulty getting the results I want from the filmic rgb module. I find that the lut3D module in combination with the RawTherapee haldclut files is an extremely easy (although perhaps more destructive?) way to get that filmic roll-off in my images.

Thanks for sharing. dt 3.0.1

P1120111.ORF.xmp (13.4 KB)

I’m not on a computer sufficient to test it, but the yellowish green and the violet sky may both be mitigate-able by dialing down the red multiplier in the white balance.

Edit: I downloaded your jpeg, inspected the histogram, and decided increasing the WB blue muiltiplier would be a better “one-stop-shopping” correction. So with an additional .3 of blue and a slight s-curve to increase contrast, here’s what I got (so, would this be a “PlayJPEG”? :smiley:)


Yeah that’s better!

Really a great scenery!
I tried once with a Fuji Astia film simulation, the second one without much change in colour.

P1120111_RT-0.jpg.out.pp3 (12.9 KB)

P1120111_RT-1.jpg.out.pp3 (12.8 KB)

Quite difficult. The camera is doing some magic to the JPG. Sharpness and the red tones were not easy to achieve.

P1120111.ORF.xmp (13.6 KB)

Edit: this is ugly, a less saturated and oversharpened version done with my calibrated monitor.

P1120111.ORF.xmp (15.1 KB)

since you like the camera jpg (and I agree, the colours are nice), I tried to match that in terms of tonalities. I did it by using an appropriate input profile (I used a dual-illuminant DCP profile made with dcamprof) and slightly tweaking the colours with a channel mixer, mostly to make the greens redder.
Here’s what I got (still not identical, but in the ballpark I think):

Regarding the handling of details, I find the camera jpeg way oversharpened, and frankly pretty bad at 1:1 view. However, the amount of sharpening depends a lot on the output medium, viewing distance, and so on, so maybe the camera is just optimized for different viewing conditions…

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I took a whack at it with Filmulator. I found Filmulator’s colors to be perfectly fine by default… but it does tend to differ there from the more typical raw editors.

Here’s what I did:

  • enabled CA correction
  • raised exposure comp 1/3 stop
  • raised shadow rolloff to 0.00174
  • raised drama to 37
  • lowered White Clipping Point to 0.547.


Although my first entry here was a more saturated version, including the yellow, I do agree that the yellow has too much of a presence.

Tried a darktable/gimp combo to get to a more neutral (natural?) looking endresult. This is what I came up with:

Interesting scrolling through the 27 posted images and wondering just how they appeared to each of you on your systems, with your eyes. I see ones I like, ones I don’t, ones I think look natural, etc… Vive la difference! At the risk of being accused of offering nothing of my own… here’s a quick DT 3.0.0 take.