next video meeting: February 6, 22:00 UTC

Although there was a technical disconnect at the end, I found the session very informative and educational. Thanks to all who attended and especially to @betazoid and @anon41087856 !

I hope to see you again soon!


I was never deconnected, although I had the feeling, at one point, that I was talking alone in the void.


Anna, thanks for hosting, and Aurelien, thanks for the presentation. Enjoyed the evening!


I get that feeling a lot too, not only on Jitsi. I think it has something to do with becoming old. :slight_smile:


I’m sorry I was afk a bit - family stuff jumped up and I had to take care of some things.
I did get to hear @anon41087856 for a while and what I was able to watch was informative!

I just noticed that the recording of the first part of the meeting (= first edit) was successful, the other parts are basically unusable. I have added “ live meeting” to the name of the video. Well, better than nothing.

I think if it’s going to be mostly a live stream by a single presenter, the YouTube live events that @anon41087856 has run in the past have worked ok. Perhaps would be better to de-camp to YT for those sort of things.

What a pity because the second edition was a bit more difficult for the color calibration module.

I couldn’t participate on this, but at least for the first meeting the live interaction and Q&A part was much more interesting and rich than a live stream (and I don’t think live text comments would fulfill the same role).


I fully agree on this, plus I think it is a great opportunity that people are able to see & hear each other live and interact. I would value that higher than just the “net weight” of information that would be given on a youtube live :wink:

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Just thinking of the people who weren’t able to join in real time. Also fine with keeping it on jitsi if there’s a way to live stream the whole thing or record for later playback.

Jitsi can live stream to YouTube, that’s what was done in both meetings. Unfortunately the free Jitsi network can be a bit of a hit or miss depending on number of participants, time of day, location of the relay server, etc.

I suggest we give this another try and limit the number of the participants to 15 or so at the next meeting. Actually I closed the room (enabled lobby mode) because I thought that 20 participants were enough but others were still letting people in. The problem was that people kept trying join even though they were kicked out by Jitsi after some minutes.
In the end, this is not a super important business meeting which thousands of bucks or lives depend on. But I am sorry that Aurélien was the unlucky one, and it is annoying.

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fwiw, the end was not good but at the same time there was something funny and comical about it. At least forme, because I don’t have much experience with video conferencing and this was the first situation of this kind for me.

Oops, Pat, I, etc., kept on letting people in

After our first meeting, I believe there was some talk about having the presenter consider recording his or her own presentation as a backup in case something goes wrong.

Jitsi will save the video to a dropbox account as well if someone has an account there. Maybe it would be good to ask for the ability to download to something like NextCloud as well.

There are also a couple of Chrome browser extensions that I found that will record webrtc browser windows locally. I haven’t tried them yet.

I would also miss the direct video and audio connections to other people if meetings were only streamed on youtube.

Not vouching for this browser extension, but here’s the github page:

I really enjoy the social aspect of it and like the fact that it’s not just a “watch someone edit photos on a livestream” type thing. Strangely I’ve become more social and participatory since the world has moved online. I’m pretty introverted and not a big conference fan.

Maybe there could be some kind of round table or, heaven forbid, podcast type element with a discussion agenda for one of these followed by a livestream presentation with a Q&A session?

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Sadly, I missed this :frowning:
Would love to be on the next one.

Thanks for the meeting.

I’m happy to meet all of you. The presentation caught me off-guard :sweat_smile:
It was a pity that I had to disconnect “early” but the time I was, it was worth it.

About jitsi, maybe we can make some tries before the next meeting to find the right architecture (a live meeting with jitsi, live broadcasting to youtube, storing it somewhere, 

PS: When I was present it worked really well