A couple of weeks ago I attended a very small “star party”, which is a gathering of amateur astronomers, for observing, relaxing and generally telling tall tales. We were at a location in a rural south Mississippi area and for the first couple of days the weather was fantastic (before rain / clouds moved in). I put my reclining lawn chair under a big tree and enjoyed the blue skies, (uncharacteristically) low humidity and gentle breezes. Mostly I tried to stay awake…
While laying (lying?) there I took a few shots with my new cellphone (Samsung S23 FE). It appears to have handled the high dynamic range basically OK but there’s no getting around the physics of very small lenses.
That is analogous to set/sit. You lay something or you set something in a place. But you sit or lie in a place. I.e., you were lying there. “I laid the baby on the bed, and she is still lying there.”