Hello everyone,
i’m trying to get the most out of my smartphone, and i would like to share what i’ve found out, but looking also for comments or suggestions .
It’s a really cheap Honor 6A, and it supports Camera 2 API, so it can shoot in raw (for example with opencamera app, gpl and open source).
The “biggest” problems are vignetting (but i’ve made a lensfun profile for that, even if it’s not yet included and often leads to problems with clipped highlights and Raw Therapee, as of Lensfun vignetting correction and clipped highlight · Issue #4169 · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub ), thus corners are much darker-noisier than the center, and night pictures since the minimum shutter speed is 0.7 seconds (@ F2.2, @ISO 100 that is anyway something like real ISO 25). And of course sensor given its size is really noisy.
In daylight condition i find the image much better than expected, and for the price of the phone i find it’s quite great.
Yes i’m a bit mad but last night i was trying to take a blue hour picture with it .
With opencamera i can choose a self timer delay (e.g. 2 seconds), and i can choose to shot 1 picture, 2,4,5,10, and unlimited pictures with a single shutter press. I choosed 10.
Since noise is random, i think it would be useful to use more than 1 picture to average the noise and so to get better image quality. And ok, it works.
I copied the profile i’ve used for the first image in Raw Therapee, pasted it for the other 9 nine images, and batch queued the files.
Then i’ve opened the first one in gimp, and opened as layers the other 9, choosing method normal and opacity=100/number of layer (so 100/2=50% for the 2nd layer, 100/3=33.3% for the 3rd, 100/4=25% for the 4th, and so on)
So i’ve made a profile for Raw Therapee (using vignetting correction from the attached xml file, and velvia 100 generic from official lut) with curves in order to create a well exposed (imho ), straight and perspective correct picture.
I leaved almost no noise reduction, but i really think this step could be improved a bit.
I share dng files (converted-compressed with Adobe dng converter via Wine on Linux in order to save a lot of space), the pp3 profile, the xml vignetting correction for the lensfun (needs to be choosed manually), the original jpeg and the final result.
wetransfer link: https://we.tl/I2iHhV2Zxw
To get better exposed pictures instead of pushing curves i think i could sum layers in Gimp, but doesn’t seem to work that well, and i haven’t found yet a way to get a combination of “averaged noise” and “sum exposures”.
Btw, is there a “raw average” software that takes n raw files as input, and created a single output raw averaged from the n files?
Thank you in advance and sorry for the long post!