I did some astrophotography, but processing the raw files is not going well, any suggestions would be geatly appreciated, see the uploaded exampleDSC_0976.NEF (49.6 MB)
I did some astrophotography, but processing the raw files is not going well, any suggestions would be geatly appreciated, see the uploaded exampleDSC_0976.NEF (49.6 MB)
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Could you explain what your difficulties are, So that others may offer solid suggestions?
darktable’s filmic module on auto with a tone curve. It’d be nice to know what lens, it looks like it could use some vignette correction.
I’m using a 28-70 zoom lens, shooting at 28mm. I pushed the ISO to 1000 which I did not think was too much but the images seem VERY grainy when I zoom them even a little, for example setting it as a background on my monitor, which makes me concerned about printing them
Two RawTherapee 5.6-dev exposures gradient masked together in Gimp 2.10.12.
Can you share details how you did this?
@HIRAM Lovely masking and result.
To get the sky I stretched the contrast a little with a few different tools.
For the trees in the foreground I raised the exposure/brightness.
In Gimp, import both exposures as layers. Add a layer mask to top image. Draw gradient with tool on the layer mask. Adjust color curves and noise reduction.
I first made two copies in darktable:
Dark DSC_0976.NEF.xmp (3.7 KB)
Light DSC_0976_01.NEF.xmp (4.9 KB)
Then combine them with darktable enfuseAdvanced.lua plugin with the following settings
Finally adjusting the jpg-image DSC_0976_01-0976.jpg.xmp (2.1 KB)
Removed hot pixels in trees with gimp/gmic
Here’s my attempt at a darktable only edit. Most of the adjustments were done with the filmic module along with a few instances of the exposure module with various masks. The sharpening and noise reduction could probably use some tuning but I’m relatively pleased with the result.
DSC_0976.NEF.xmp (16.7 KB)@HIRAM I really like your version, but pleas rotate the image and make the coastline straight.
First - two jpg from RT with different exposures. Then mixed in GIMP 2.10.12. I was suprised by the need to correct strong vignetting effect in the basic NEF file
@ltr21 Welcome to the forum! And nice result.