No view change when moving photos?

I am a bit annoyed with the fact that when I move photos to a different directory, the view changes to that directory. Is it possible to disable this behaviour? I want to move the photos but continue working in the same directory.

Alternatively, is there s shortcut to go back to the previous directory that was open in light table view?

AFAIK you can’t disable it.

I use the “recently used collections” module to just select my previous collection after I’ve moved/copied. You may need to manually enable it from the preferences section of the collections module (or you can just use the history button within that module if you don’t mind the extra click)

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Same for me I just click back…and for me actually the current action is perfect because I am usually then exporting so for me its edit a batch move them to the folder structure and then export to my clean parallel folder structure for viewing and sharing purposes… Also it sort of confirms the move visually …but everyone has a different way of working…

Lighttable → Collections → History

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